Thursday, March 11, 2010

Yes, I am alive.

Sorry about not posting for a while! We actually have not been doing that much. This past Saturday we didn't really do that much because my dad was just getting back from Puno, Peru. Puno is high up in the southern mountains of Peru. It is also home to Lake Titicaca, the highest freshwater lake in the world (15,000 feet!). The lake is so south that it shares a border with Bolivia (but the lake is really big, so it isn't like Dad was right next to Bolivia...). He is now in Tarapoto, Peru. It's another jungle area. He showed us a video of a tapir from a reserve...SCARY ANIMAL. Seriously, it's really gross and weird.

We only have two more weeks here! I really can't believe it. Actually I can because it feels like we have been here a really long time. Some guy thought we were Peruvian! I was like YES! But then I guess it was just him because we must look pretty non-Peruvian. We were in a taxi on the way to Reina de la Paz, and there was a lot of traffic, so we were really close to other cars. Another taxi pulled up beside us, and the driver kind of looked at us for a minute. Then he smiled and was like, "Hi!" (People are always wanting to try out their English.) Mom waved and said "hi" back. It was funny; that happened to us before.
Reina de la Paz (the teen mom home we go to on Tuesdays) has been going pretty well. The girls are starting school again, so the kids are in the daycare now. We didn't really get to interact with them that much. The head worker put me and Dad and Raul (our taxi driver) to work! Dad laid down foam squares on the floor. Then I glued foam to the wall. Add some plastic balls, and the daycare has a ball pit! It's a really good idea! I almost died from inhaling too much glue fumes, though. The stuff was like rubber cement times ten! Plus the area was kind of enclosed. It was worth it to see the babies' faces, though. The daycare has all of the girls' babies, but then they also take in ten kids from the community too! That is a lot of work, but the nannies are awesome.

There was a little girl there who only had one eye. Her dad was fighting with her mom, and he started to beat the mom up. Then he kicked the little girl in the face. Doctors had to remove her eye, I guess. It was really sad and hard. Who is so low that they would kick an adorable, precious two-year-old? I mean, really. The mom is in another teen home like Reina called Domi. The homes are working to try to get an eye for the girl, whose name is Fiorela. Cute name, just like the kid. Seriously, she is so precioius. Please pray for her and her mom. And the dad, although it's hard for me to say that. But I guess he needs a lot of help too.

It's tough seeing all those little kids who need help here. We saw another little boy selling candy yesterday. He just had a big bag of individually wrapped candy. Mom gave him our lunch leftovers and some money. I wanted to take him home with us. All the kids who sell stuff on the street have vacant looks in their eyes. If I had my way, I would have about 100 Peruvian children by now. Probably more.
So it's tough, but we are making it. Two weeks, wow. I remember when we had 70 days left. But now we are practically Peruvian, so it's cool :)
I will post more...probably about food...Thanks for your prayers!

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