Wednesday, February 24, 2010

More Huaraz...Day Three

After our party-hearty time the previous night, Emily and I slept well (our last night in our hotel beds..). We met Dad and Jorge again for breakfast (another wonderfully delicious buffet). Then Emily and I went back to our room while Dad and Jorge went to another meeting. We didn't stay in our room for long; soon my sister and I were camped out in front of hotel computers. I spent (wasted?) almost an hour on Facebook, trying to catch up with what was going on at home. Emily finally wrote me a message: we needed to go clean up our room so we could check out of the hotel later. After dragging myself away from the Internet, I headed back to the room with Emily. There we watched TV, packed up our stuff, and waited for Dad and Jorge to return.
Dad came to our room; the poor man couldn't ge into contact with the people he had wanted to talk to. Short meeting, huh? We made a plan to gather in the hotel lobby with our bags and then go to eat lunch. Lunch was spent in a cute little ovalo sort of thing: a fountain surrounded by restaurants. Like always, Dad insisted it was a gringo trap, but I was so hungry I didn't care. A huge burger at an international restaurant curbed my hunger. By the way, when they say "International," it's most likely Italian food (spaghetti and pizza) and also burgers.
Next we went back to the hotel, although we couldn't go back to our rooms. So we stuck to the lobby, where I spent more time on Facebook and looked up stuff on Huaraz. By the time we had gotten back from lunch, it was almost 4:00, so we had only a few hours before we met for supper. We were supposed to meet at a French restaurant (well, as French as a restaurant can get in the middle of Peru..) but we found out they didn't take Visa, so Jorge called Yenina. She gave the name of a place further down the street. Jorge led us to it...very quickly. We must have looked hilarious speed-walking after a Peruvian man down the lit streets of Huaraz.
We ate at the restaurant...another pizza place that I LOVED! It was so cool; flags and posters covered the walls and ceiling. It was very cool. During the meal, we talked with our friends from the party while Dad, Jorge, Yenina, and a doctor talked about Dad's program and the area's parasites (great dinner conversation, right?) I had a good time and enjoyed both the company and the pizza. Our group said goodbyes and exchanged email addresses. Then we went back to the hotel, got our stuff, and went to the bus station.
I nearly had a nervous breakdown at the bus station. The man in charge said that everyone needed to have their passports (or some sort of identification) and their tickets ready. Emily was all set, but Dad and I were like OH NO. Our passports were in Dad's suitcase, which was...already packed on the bus. Uh oh. Dad had a copy of his, but I was about to be left behind in Huaraz. Dad told Emily not to show her passport right away; maybe we could squeak past since we were obviously Dad's daughters. Well, no such luck. Dad showed his passport and got checked off a list, but then the man asked for Emily's too. I was like OH MAN I AM SO DEAD. The guy checked Emily's name off....and then mine too! He waved us all through. I was incredibly relieved (and although Dad didn't say so, I could tell he was too). I mean, it's not like I didn't have a passport, but we would have had to dig out Dad's bag from the bus and all that stuff. Maybe my resemblance to Dad has finally paid off!
After all that ordeal, we went safely home to Lima. Never was I so glad to see the crowded streets, cloudy skies, and crazy taxis. Home sweet home :) I am really glad I got to go see a different part of Peru. Lima and Huaraz differ in so many ways. I felt like I got a full experience of the real Peru, not just the modern city. Thank you for your prayers!

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