Saturday, January 16, 2010

Another Adventure...Great.

We walked to the Market this morning. It's not like a grocery-market, either. I would say it's pretty hard-core. (But probably nicer than what you are thinking right now.) It's only about twenty minutes away (walking) from our apartment. I am getting pretty good about crossing streets. If you think that sounds lame, you haven't seen Lima traffic. Sometimes you have to start walking when the car is still going in front of you and you almost run into it. I actually like it. (the excitement, not almost getting run over)

As for school, I really like working at my own pace. We usually have school in the afternoon to avoid dying from the extreme humidity. But sometimes we go out then because it is sunny, warmer, and not as damp. It's cool to just manage your own schedule and do whatever. I also like sleeping in (although since I sleep on the couch, Rebekah and Elijah wake me up way earlier than I would like).
I will try to post some pictures and maybe video soon!

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