Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lesson Learned.

These are pictures (see bottom of post for caption) of Lima.
Okay, everyone, the lesson for today is EAT BREAKFAST EVERY DAY. I learned it the hard way today.

First, a little background information. So we go to the grocery store, Vivanda, every couple of days. My siblings, Mom, and I walk for about ten minutes, crossing about five or so streets, some of them pretty busy. busy as in taxis coming around the corner in the middle of the road without a turn signal. But that's what's normal. Some of you beginning drivers would have a fit at the disregard for traffic rules. (The more disturbing ones would think it was cool.)

THE LESSON LEARNED: I don't really like a lot of breakfast foods because I am picky about it (like cereal and eggs and stuff). So I don't really eat breakfast a ton, which is a big mistake. We were in the check-out line at Vivanda, and suddenly I was really hungry. And then I wasn't just hungry, I felt weird. Sweat was just pouring down my face, and I could feel my face starting to pale. I told my mom that I felt light-headed. She told me to go outside. And then the scary part for me: my vision got spotty, and then blurry. I couldn't hear anything but faint voices asking me what was wrong. Then my legs started to give out, and I had to grip the counter to stay up, but my legs were wobbling all over the place. So my mom did the best thing she could in the middle in the Peruvian supermarket and told me to put my head between my knees. After my vision cleared, Emily took me to sit outside.
So the moral of the story is to eat breakfast, even if you don't really feel hungry because you will feel the effects later. Shame on me; I'm typing this and laughing very hard at myself. Actually, Emily and Carolyn were laughing at me while I was still recovering. And you'll only get this if you've seen the movie The Sandlot. Carolyn said, "She looks like a dead fish!" and Emily said, "Yeah, yeah, she looks pretty crappy!" So that made me feel tons better as you can imagine...

So other than that, we are great! :) Here are some pictures I took in a park that's less than five minutes away from our aprtment. There are people who give parasail rides (not free.) over the ocean and Lima. I can see them from our aprtment usually. I totally want to do this!!

1 comment:

  1. Maggie!! the pictures are amazing!! You poor thing! Well, I guess you learned your lesson. I always felt bad when I would sleep over and you would eat, like, nothing for breakfast and I would eat more than you. Haha. I'm glad you are ok!!! :)
