Thursday, January 7, 2010

Frizz and Spanish

We are here, we are here, we are here!
As for the title, the Spanish is pretty obvious (hopefully), but the frizz is because the humidity has waged war on my curly hair.

So starting back where I left off, we got on the plane to Lima. To our great joy and delight, there were screens on the seat in front of us. There were movies, shows, and games. It had a downside: I didn't sleep at all...

We got off the planes and went down to customs. There were so many people there!! It might have been partly that we were on the back of the plane, and there was another flight ahead of us, I think. However, since we have Rebekah and Elijah, they put us in a different line with other people who had small children. Actually, it probably wasn't that much shorter than the other line, but we take what we can get. Customs is pretty much officials checking your passport and allowing you into the country. We got "90" written on ours because we will be in the country for more than 30 days. Then we went into the huge part with all the luggage coming through. No luggage was lost, praise the Lord! Then we got waved through to the next section (for those of you who know what this means, we got a green light).

Then we found our taxi ride, which was set up beforehand. They did not speak a word of English, but Dad worked everything out. Next we drove through Lima to get to our apartment on Tripoli Street. The family helped bring all the luggage inside, and then the might doorman (Antony,who is so nice!) helped us bring it up the elevator and unlock our door (which seemed like it had about 50 bolts). The first thing I thought when I went inside was, "It's so hot in here!" There's no air conditioning, which I was pretty upset at Dad about. (He checked out the apartemnt and didn't check for air conditioning...) But we opened a lot of windows; with the cool breeze off the ocean, it feels really nice. It's just SO humid. Like Maggie's-hair-is-huge humid. I like the warm weather, so I won't complain. The sun isn't really's pretty overcast right now. I really like the apartment. There's 3 toilets..amazing! (We have one in our IN house.)

Right now Mom, Dad, and the two little guys went out to a local grocer right around the corner. They have been gone for a while, so I don't know what in the world they are doing.

I am so thankful to be here right now. Getting the travel over with is a huge thing. Now we can get settled in, although for me that means sleeping and throwing my clothes in a closet. God really got us through so far, so I am trusting that we will work everything out and have a great Peru experience. Keep praying!

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